RPG Maker VX Ace
Class Extensions
Yanfly's Class System is a very solid script, but it is missing a few small things. This scripts adds just the little things it is missing.
Some ideas came from members from the community. haothehare gave me the idea to start this entire project with the level limiter. Both haothehare and Titanhex gave me the idea for class-specific graphics. Crossroads gave me some good ideas for compatibility with the Learn Skill Engine. thedrifter148 came with the idea of hybridizing classes.
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There are various functionalities in this script. You can enable and disable them by specifying it in the script. I'll go through them one at a time.
Class Level Limiter
This allows you to limit the class level cap. This means that classes will never go over the level cap you specified. You can also specify a limit for a specific class using notetags.
<max level: x>
Skill Unlock by Class Level
Normally when you level up, regardless of the class level you will unlock skills based on your current actor's level. In order to change that, add the following to the skill learning notetag:
<use other level>
This will pick the level based on several things:
- If
is set to true, use the actor's level; - If
is set to true, use the class level when not set, otherwise use main level; - Use main level when not set, otherwise use class level.
You can also directly set the class levels in the skills, which has the added bonus that you can assign multiple class level requirements for one skill. You use the same syntax as that of the Class Unlock Level script.
<level unlock requirements> class x: level y class x: level y </level unlock requirements>
When Learn Skill Engine is installed, you can also assign multiple classes to skills that could be learned using this engine. Skills can only be learned if all classes have reached a certain level, and will appear in all classes, unless specified.
<level unlock requirements> class x: level y class x: level y[ exclude] </level unlock requirements>
When exclude is added to the end, a skill will not appear in the skill learning list of that class.
You can change experience rate and experience distribution. Changing the experience rate is the same as modifying the experience learning curve, except you'll earn lower experience instead of having to earn more experience. This especially can be handy when skills that can be learned using the Learn Skill Engine use experience.
<experience rate: x%> <experience rate: [+-*]x%>
As a standard, the experience rate is 1.00, or 100%. You can use operators to modify the experience accordingly. For example, if the new rate is -10%, the rate will change to 90%.
The same can be used for the subclass experience distribution. There are two modes. Either the main class experience remains unaffected or it will share its experience with the subclass. You can enable or disable it by using the following notetag:
<split experience on> <split experience off>
When set to off, subclasses will still earn experience, but it will not affect main classes. You can also set the default in the script.
Finally, you can set the subclass experience ratio by using the following:
<subclass experience ratio: x%> <subclass experience ratio: [+-*]x%>
Custom Hybrid Formulas
When set as a subclass, normally the stats get combined based on what you set it to in the settings. However, sometimes you want to set these stats based on certain formulas.
<hybrid formula> ... </hybrid formula>
You can also specify the formulas for each main class.
<hybrid formula class_no> ... </hybrid formula>
In the latter's case, this means that when the current class is set as a subclass of class_no, the stats will get modified based on the formulas given.
Formulas are easy. First, you need to know that I've used the base abrevations as shown on the English version of the database, that is, mhp, mmp, atk, def, mat, mdf, agi and luk. They are all in lower case. Second, in order to define whether the main class or the subclass is meant, you should prefix each stat in the formula with either main. for main class or sub. for subclass.
<hybrid formula> atk: (1.5 * main.atk + 0.5 * sub.atk) / 2.0 def: (main.def + 0.4 * sub.def + 0.1 * sub.agi) / 1.25 </hybrid formula>
You can indeed mix and match the formulas, and all formulas are calculated from the base stats on the level the class is on, without any buffs.
Class combo names
You can set special class combination names.
<subclass name combo: class_no, Class combo name>
Class Graphics
If you want classes to have generic appearances, or if you want an actor to have a specific graphics set when using a certain class.
You can set a generic class graphics set, which is a set of data which specifies the default class graphic. You can specify multiple sets here. It defaults to the "DEFAULT" set, but you can use a notetag on the actor to specify a specific graphics set.
<generic set: x>
Where x is the string defining the graphics set. Note that this graphics set is also used for combination class graphics when that's enabled.
By default, you can set all classes to either opt in or opt out. What this means is that you can specify if actor uses the generic set or not, depending on the settings. If an actor opts in, it means that it will use the generic set, otherwise it doesn't. You can set the default settings in the script, but using notetags you can also specify it per actor.
<graphics opt in> <graphics opt out>
You can also set a class specific graphic for the actor itself. You can even set combination class graphics, although it is optional.
<character set: class_id[, subclass_id], character_name, character_index> <face set: class_id[, subclass_id], face_name, face_index>
Finally, on the classes themselves you can specify a default graphic. Depending on the script settings, these will have priority over the default settings.
<character set[ subclass_id]: character_name, character_index> <face set[ subclass_id]: face_name, face_index>
This script overrides several methods. If you are sure no method that is used by other scripts get overridden, you can place it anywhere, otherwise, make sure this script is loaded first. Do know that there is a possibility that this script will stop working due to that.
class Game_Actor
- class_level(class_id) (from Class System)
- level_up
class Window_ClassList (from Class System)
- make_item_list
This script adds aliases for several methods. If you are sure no method that is used by other scripts get overridden, you can place it anywhere, otherwise, make sure this script is loaded after any other script overriding these methods, otherwise this script stops working.
module DataManager
- load_database
class Game_Actor
- gain_exp(exp)
- change_exp(exp, show)
- feature_objects
class Window_ClassList (from Class System)
- set_item_colour
class Window_LearnSkillList (from Learn Skill Engine)
- meet_requirements?(item)
Download Class Extensions v1.16 (74.56 kB, 1799 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions Demo v1.16 (1.36 MB, 452 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions v1.15 (74.3 kB, 1755 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions Demo v1.15 (1.36 MB, 437 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions v1.14 (74.1 kB, 1742 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions Demo v1.14 (1.36 MB, 461 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions v1.13 (60.16 kB, 1724 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions Demo v1.13 (1.35 MB, 477 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions v1.12 (59.67 kB, 1698 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions Demo v1.12 (1.35 MB, 451 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions v1.11 (59.22 kB, 1815 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions Demo v1.11 (1.35 MB, 442 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions v1.10 (58.62 kB, 1676 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions Demo v1.10 (1.35 MB, 452 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions v1.09 (50.4 kB, 1726 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions Demo v1.09 (1.35 MB, 442 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions v1.08 (50.25 kB, 1773 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions Demo v1.08 (1.35 MB, 444 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions v1.07 (50.08 kB, 1708 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions Demo v1.07 (1.35 MB, 443 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions v1.06 (48.72 kB, 1607 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions Demo v1.06 (1.35 MB, 436 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions v1.05 (47.87 kB, 1667 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions Demo v1.05 (1.35 MB, 424 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions v1.04 (40.47 kB, 1665 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions Demo v1.04 (1.34 MB, 422 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions v1.03 (29.52 kB, 1617 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions Demo v1.03 (1.33 MB, 447 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions v1.02 (29.24 kB, 1630 times downloaded)
Download Class Extensions Demo v1.02 (1.33 MB, 455 times downloaded)
#============================================================================== # # GaryCXJk - Class Extensions v1.17 # * Last Updated: 2013.10.26 # * Level: Normal # * Requires: YEA - Class System v1.10+ # * Optional: YEA - Class Specifics v1.00+ # YEA - Learn Skill Engine v1.00+ # CXJ - AnimEx v1.01+ # #============================================================================== $imported = {} if $imported.nil? $imported["CXJ-ClassExtensions"] = true #============================================================================== # # Changelog: # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2013.10.26 - v1.17 # # * Added: Custom hybrid formula for individual parameters # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2013.02.20 - v1.16 # # * Fixed: Hide mode 2 not working correctly # * Fixed: Displaying the wrong subclass leveling up # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2013.01.22 - v1.15 # # * Fixed: Battle test issues # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2013.01.19 - v1.14 # # * Added: Option to display experience gain per class # * Added: change_exp now used for subclass experience gain instead of # gain_exp # * Added: Persistent class experience (carries over to all characters, # Savedata Extender compatible) # * Fixed: Wrong experience gain calculation # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2013.01.18 - v1.13 # # * Added: A new hybridization method # * Fixed: Small issues with hybridization # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2013.01.12 - v1.12 # # * Fixed: Changed how hybridization worked # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2013.01.12 - v1.11 # # * Fixed: Skills not appearing in the Learn Skill menu # * Fixed: Changed way it aliases # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2013.01.12 - v1.10 # # * Added: Combination class names # * Added: Combination class graphics # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2013.01.12 - v1.09 # # * Fixed: Major mistakes # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2013.01.09 - v1.08 # # * Fixed: Minor mistakes # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2013.01.09 - v1.07 # # * Added: Subclass traits # * Added: Option to 'hybridize' classes # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2013.01.08 - v1.06 # # * Added: Fix for parameter using main level instead of class level # * Fixed: Regular expression mistakes # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2013.01.06 - v1.05 # # * Added: Learning Skill Engine addon # * Added: Ability to change class experience rate # * Added: Experience distribution to subclasses # * Fixed: Class level not appearing # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2013.01.05 - v1.04 # # * Added: AnimEx compatibility # * Added: Subclass learning # * Added: Skill learning when all classes defined have certain level # * Fixed: Overlooked mistakes # * Fixed: Errors in graphics picking # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2013.01.01 - v1.03 # # * Fixed: Wrong calculation of class level # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2012.12.31 - v1.02 # # * Fixed: Player sprite not changing # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2012.12.31 - v1.01 # # * Added: Ability to hide classes that are unavailable for primary or subclass # (requires Class Specifics) # * Fixed: Some errors # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2012.12.31 - v1.00 # # * Initial release # #============================================================================== # # Yanfly's Class System is a very solid script, but it is missing a few small # things. This scripts adds just the little things it is missing. # # Some ideas came from members from the community. haothehare gave me the idea # to start this entire project with the level limiter. Both haothehare and # Titanhex gave me the idea for class-specific graphics. Crossroads gave me # some good ideas for compatibility with the Learn Skill Engine. Spitfire71 # and TSA Ryan came with the idea of hybridizing classes, with thedrifter148 # bringing it up. # #============================================================================== # # Installation: # # Make sure to put this below Materials, but above Main Process. # # This script overrides several methods. If you are sure no method that is # used by other scripts get overridden, you can place it anywhere, otherwise, # make sure this script is loaded first. Do know that there is a possibility # that this script will stop working due to that. # # This script adds aliases for several methods. If you are sure no method that # is used by other scripts get overridden, you can place it anywhere, # otherwise, make sure this script is loaded after any other script overriding # these methods, otherwise this script stops working. # # This script requires another script to run. Put this script after the # required scripts to make it work properly. # # This script has additional functionality and / or compatibility with other # scripts. In order to benifit the most out of it, it is advised to place this # script after the others. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Overridden methods: # # * class Game_Actor # - init_skills (if USE_PERSISTENT_CLASS_LEVEL is set) # - learn_class_skills(class_id) (if USE_PERSISTENT_CLASS_LEVEL is set) # - skills (if USE_PERSISTENT_CLASS_LEVEL is set) # - class_level(class_id) (from Class System) # - level_up # - display_level_up # * class Window_Base # - draw_actor_class(actor, x, y, width = 112) # * class Scene_Class (from Class System) # - create_help_window # * class Window_ClassList (from Class System) # - make_item_list # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Aliased methods: # # * module DataManager # - load_database # - make_save_contents (if Savedata Extender is not installed) # - extract_save_contents (if Savedata Extender is not installed) # * class Game_Actor # - setup(actor_id) (if USE_PERSISTENT_CLASS_LEVEL is set) # - change_exp(exp, show) # - feature_objects # * class Window_ClassList (from Class System) # - set_item_colour # * class Window_LearnSkillList (from Learn Skill Engine) # - meet_requirements?(item) # #============================================================================== # # Usage: # # There are various functionalities in this script. You can enable and disable # them by specifying it in the script. I'll go through them one at a time. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Class Level Limiter: # # This allows you to limit the class level cap. This means that classes will # never go over the level cap you specified. You can also specify a limit # for a specific class using notetags. # # <max level: x> # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Skill Unlock by Class Level: # # Normally when you level up, regardless of the class level you will unlock # skills based on your current actor's level. In order to change that, add # the following to the skill learning notetag: # # <use other level> # # This will pick the level based on several things: # - If YEA::CLASS_SYSTEM::MAINTAIN_LEVELS is set to true, use the actor's # level; # - If CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSION::SWITCH_MAIN_LEVEL is set to true, use the class # level when not set, otherwise use main level; # - Use main level when not set, otherwise use class level. # # You can also directly set the class levels in the skills, which has the # added bonus that you can assign multiple class level requirements for one # skill. You use the same syntax as that of the Class Unlock Level script. # # <level unlock requirements> # class x: level y # class x: level y # </level unlock requirements> # # When Learn Skill Engine is installed, you can also assign multiple classes # to skills that could be learned using this engine. Skills can only be # learned if all classes have reached a certain level, and will appear in # all classes, unless specified. # # <level unlock requirements> # class x: level y # class x: level y[ exclude] # </level unlock requirements> # # When exclude is added to the end, a skill will not appear in the skill # learning list of that class. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Experience: # # You can change experience rate and experience distribution. Changing the # experience rate is the same as modifying the experience learning curve, # except you'll earn lower experience instead of having to earn more # experience. This especially can be handy when skills that can be learned # using the Learn Skill Engine use experience. # # <experience rate: x%> # <experience rate: [+-*]x%> # # As a standard, the experience rate is 1.00, or 100%. You can use operators # to modify the experience accordingly. For example, if the new rate is -10%, # the rate will change to 90%. # # The same can be used for the subclass experience distribution. There are two # modes. Either the main class experience remains unaffected or it will share # its experience with the subclass. You can enable or disable it by using the # following notetag: # # <split experience on> # <split experience off> # # When set to off, subclasses will still earn experience, but it will not # affect main classes. You can also set the default in the script. # # Finally, you can set the subclass experience ratio by using the following: # # <subclass experience ratio: x%> # <subclass experience ratio: [+-*]x%> # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Custom Hybrid Formulas: # # When set as a subclass, normally the stats get combined based on what you # set it to in the settings. However, sometimes you want to set these stats # based on certain formulas. # # <hybrid formula> # ... # </hybrid formula> # # You can also specify the formulas for each main class. # # <hybrid formula class_no> # ... # </hybrid formula> # # In the latter's case, this means that when the current class is set as a # subclass of class_no, the stats will get modified based on the formulas # given. # # Formulas are easy. First, you need to know that I've used the base # abrevations as shown on the English version of the database, that is, # mhp, mmp, atk, def, mat, mdf, agi and luk. They are all in lower case. # Second, in order to define whether the main class or the subclass is meant, # you should prefix each stat in the formula with either main. for main class # or sub. for subclass. # # <hybrid formula> # atk: (1.5 * main.atk + 0.5 * sub.atk) / 2.0 # def: (main.def + 0.4 * sub.def + 0.1 * sub.agi) / 1.25 # </hybrid formula> # # You can indeed mix and match the formulas, and all formulas are calculated # from the base stats on the level the class is on, without any buffs. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Class combo names: # # You can set special class combination names. # # <subclass name combo: class_no, Class combo name> # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Class Graphics: # # If you want classes to have generic appearances, or if you want an actor to # have a specific graphics set when using a certain class. # # You can set a generic class graphics set, which is a set of data which # specifies the default class graphic. You can specify multiple sets here. It # defaults to the "DEFAULT" set, but you can use a notetag on the actor to # specify a specific graphics set. # # <generic set: x> # # Where x is the string defining the graphics set. Note that this graphics set # is also used for combination class graphics when that's enabled. # # By default, you can set all classes to either opt in or opt out. What this # means is that you can specify if actor uses the generic set or not, depending # on the settings. If an actor opts in, it means that it will use the generic # set, otherwise it doesn't. You can set the default settings in the script, # but using notetags you can also specify it per actor. # # <graphics opt in> # <graphics opt out> # # You can also set a class specific graphic for the actor itself. You can even # set combination class graphics, although it is optional. # # <character set: class_id[, subclass_id], character_name, character_index> # <face set: class_id[, subclass_id], face_name, face_index> # # Finally, on the classes themselves you can specify a default graphic. # Depending on the script settings, these will have priority over the default # settings. # # <character set[ subclass_id]: character_name, character_index> # <face set[ subclass_id]: face_name, face_index> # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # AnimEx compatibility: # # This script has compatibility modifications for AnimEx, so that both scripts # can be used. You will have to add whether they have diagonal sprites or not # if the sprite doesn't have eight or nine animation rows. # #============================================================================== # # License: # # Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported # # The complete license can be read here: # http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode # # The license as it is described below can be read here: # http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed # # You are free: # # to Share — to copy, distribute and transmit the work # to Remix — to adapt the work # to make commercial use of the work # # Under the following conditions: # # Attribution — You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the # author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or # your use of the work). # # With the understanding that: # # Waiver — Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from # the copyright holder. # # Public Domain — Where the work or any of its elements is in the public domain # under applicable law, that status is in no way affected by the license. # # Other Rights — In no way are any of the following rights affected by the # license: # # * Your fair dealing or fair use rights, or other applicable copyright # exceptions and limitations; # * The author's moral rights; # * Rights other persons may have either in the work itself or in how the work # is used, such as publicity or privacy rights. # # Notice — For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the # license terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to this # web page. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Extra notes: # # Despite what the license tells you, I will not hunt down anybody who doesn't # follow the license in regards to giving credits. However, as it is common # courtesy to actually do give credits, it is recommended that you do. # # As I picked this license, you are free to share this script through any # means, which includes hosting it on your own website, selling it on eBay and # hang it in the bathroom as toilet paper. Well, not selling it on eBay, that's # a dick move, but you are still free to redistribute the work. # # Yes, this license means that you can use it for both non-commercial as well # as commercial software. # # You are free to pick the following names when you give credit: # # * GaryCXJk # * Gary A.M. Kertopermono # * G.A.M. Kertopermono # * GARYCXJK # # Personally, when used in commercial games, I prefer you would use the second # option. Not only will it actually give me more name recognition in real # life, which also works well for my portfolio, it will also look more # professional. Also, do note that I actually care about capitalization if you # decide to use my username, meaning, capital C, capital X, capital J, lower # case k. Yes, it might seem stupid, but it's one thing I absolutely care # about. # # Finally, if you want my endorsement for your product, if it's good enough # and I have the game in my posession, I might endorse it. Do note that if you # give me the game for free, it will not affect my opinion of the game. It # would be nice, but if I really did care for the game I'd actually purchase # it. Remember, the best way to get any satisfaction is if you get people to # purchase the game, so in a way, I prefer it if you don't actually give me # a free copy. # # This script was originally hosted on: # http://area91.multiverseworks.com # # Don't forget to include the credits of the original script as well. # #============================================================================== # # The code below defines the settings of this script, and are there to be # modified. # #============================================================================== module CXJ module CLASS_EXTENSIONS #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Class Level Limiter #------------------------------------------------------------------------ ENABLE_CLASS_LEVEL_LIMITER = true # Defines if you want to limit # class levels DEFAULT_MAX_LEV = 99 # Defines the max level STOP_GAINING_EXP_AFTER_MAX = true # Stops experience gain after # hitting the level cap STOP_LEVELING_AFTER_CLASS_MAX = true # Stops leveling main character # after hitting the experience # cap. #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Generic Class Graphics #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # When you set these, all characters will use this list as their initial # graphics. You can pick between an opt-in or opt-out. When you pick # opt-in, characters won't use these generic class graphics unless they # chose to, otherwise they will always use these generic class graphics # unless either the character has set their custom graphics or they opt # out. # # Also, notetags specified in the database have priority over this list, # meaning that any class that has a custom class graphic set in the # notetags will have that as the generic class graphic. You can however # change it below to have generic class graphics have priority instead. # # Finally, when the graphics for a certain class isn't set here, it will # always default to the default character graphics. #------------------------------------------------------------------------ ENABLE_CLASS_SPECIFIC_GRAPHICS = true # Defines whether to use class # specific graphics. OPT_IN_CLASS_GRAPHICS = false # Defines if you want to opt in. CLASS_SPECIFIED_HAS_PRIORITY = true # Graphics defined in class # notetags have priority. ENABLE_COMBO_SPECIFIC_GRAPHICS = true # Defines whether to use class # specific graphics with combos. # Disabled when class specific # graphics is set to false. GENERIC_CLASS_GRAPHICS = {} GENERIC_CLASS_GRAPHICS["DEFAULT"] = { # ClassID => [ CharacterName, CharacterIndex, FaceName, FaceIndex ], 1 => [ "Actor1", 0, "Actor1", 0 ], 3 => [ "Actor4", 2, "Actor4", 2 ], } COMBO_CLASS_GRAPHICS = {} COMBO_CLASS_GRAPHICS["DEFAULT"] = {} COMBO_CLASS_GRAPHICS["DEFAULT"][3] = { # ClassID => [ CharacterName, CharacterIndex, FaceName, FaceIndex ], 1 => [ "Actor5", 2, "Actor5", 2], } #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Miscellaneous #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Set the class hiding mode for the class list window. Requires the # Class Specifics addon. # 0: Original # 1: Hide unavailable # 2: Grey out selected in other type CLASS_HIDE_MODE = 1 # When false, actor level is the main level, otherwise, class level is # the main level. SWITCH_MAIN_LEVEL = true # When false, main class experience gain remains normal, when true, # experience gain is reduced when shared with subclass. SPLIT_TO_SUB = false # The base amount of experience gain for subclasses in comparison to the # main class gain. EXP_TO_SUBCLASS = 1.00 # Use class level for parameter calculation. CLASS_LEVEL_PARAMS = true # Checks whether subclasses can set traits or not. SUBCLASS_TRAITS = true # Instead of adding subclass stats, average between the two. There are # several moodes. # :none - Don't use hybridization # :add - Add subclass to full main class stats # :ratio - Use subclass rate as a ratio, subtracting from main class # :normalize - Like :add, but normalizes HYBRIDIZE = :none # Shows class experience gain. SHOW_CLASS_EXP_GAIN = { :charlevel => true, # Displays the new character level :classexp => false, # Displays the experience gain per class :classlevel => false, # Displays the new class level } # Use persistent class level. # All characters share the same class level. USE_PERSISTENT_CLASS_LEVEL = false #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # AnimEx compatibility # Define below #------------------------------------------------------------------------ GENERIC_CLASS_HAS_DIAGONAL = {} GENERIC_CLASS_HAS_DIAGONAL["DEFAULT"] = { # ClassID => HasDiagonal?, 1 => false, 3 => false, } COMBO_CLASS_HAS_DIAGONAL = {} COMBO_CLASS_HAS_DIAGONAL["DEFAULT"] = {} COMBO_CLASS_HAS_DIAGONAL["DEFAULT"][3] = { # ClassID => HasDiagonal?, 1 => false, } module VOCAB #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Vocab #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # This module contains the generic vocabulary of this script. #---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER_LEVELED_UP = "%s leveled up!" CLASS_EXP_GAINED = "%s received %s EXP!" end end end #============================================================================== # # The code below should not be altered unless you know what you're doing. # #============================================================================== if $imported["YEA-ClassSystem"] module CXJ module REGEXP module CLASS MAX_LEVEL = /<(?:MAX_LEVEL|max level):\s*(\d+)>/i CHARSET = /<(?:CHARACTER_SET|CHARSET|character set|charset):\s*(.+?)\s*,\s*(\d+)>/i FACESET = /<(?:FACE_SET|FACESET|face set|faceset):\s*(.+?)\s*,\s*(\d+)>/i CHARSET_S = /<(?:CHARACTER_SET|CHARSET|character set|charset)\s*(\d+)\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*,\s*(\d+)>/i FACESET_S = /<(?:FACE_SET|FACESET|face set|faceset)\s*(\d+)\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*,\s*(\d+)>/i EXP_RATE = /<(?:EXPERIENCE_RATE|experience rate):\s*([\+\-\*]?)(\d+)\%>/i SUB_RATIO = /<(?:SUBCLASS_EXPERIENCE_RATIO|subclass experience ratio):\s*([\+\-\*]?)(\d+)\%>/i EXP_SPLIT = /<(?:SPLIT_EXPERIENCE|split experience) (on|off)>/ SUB_COMBO = /<(?:SUBCLASS_NAME_COMBO|subclass name combo):\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(.+?)>/i # AnimEx compatibility HAS_DIAG = /<(?:SPRITE_HAS_DIAGONAL|sprite has diagonal)>/i # Custom class hybridization HF_ON = /<(?:HYBRID_FORMULA|hybrid formula)>/i HF2_ON = /<(?:HYBRID_FORMULA|hybrid formula)\s+(\d+)>/i HF_OFF = /<\/(?:HYBRID_FORMULA|hybrid formula)>/i HF_FORMS = /^\s*(\w+):\s+(.+?)\s*$/i end module ACTOR OPT_IN = /<(?:GRAPHICS_OPT_IN|graphics opt) (in|out)>/i GENERICSET = /<(?:GENERIC_SET|generic set):\s*(.+?)>/i CHARSET = /<(?:CHARACTER_SET|CHARSET|character set|charset):\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(.+?)\s*,\s*(\d+)>/i FACESET = /<(?:FACE_SET|FACESET|face set|faceset):\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(.+?)\s*,\s*(\d+)>/i CHARSET_S = /<(?:CHARACTER_SET|CHARSET|character set|charset):\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(.+?)\s*,\s*(\d+)>/i FACESET_S = /<(?:FACE_SET|FACESET|face set|faceset):\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(.+?)\s*,\s*(\d+)>/i # AnimEx compatibility HAS_DIAG = /<(?:SPRITE_HAS_DIAGONAL|sprite has diagonal):\s*(\d+)>/i HAS_DIA_S = /<(?:SPRITE_HAS_DIAGONAL|sprite has diagonal):\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)>/i end module LEARNING USE_OTHER = /<(?:USE_OTHER_LEVEL|use other level)>/i end module SKILL LV_UNLOCK_ON = /<(?:LEVEL_UNLOCK_REQUIREMENTS|level unlock requirements)>/i LV_UNLOCK_OFF = /<\/(?:LEVEL_UNLOCK_REQUIREMENTS|level unlock requirements)>/i LV_LEARN_UNLOCK_ON = /<(?:LEARN_REQUIRE_CLASS_LEVEL|learn require class level)>/i LV_LEARN_UNLOCK_OFF = /<\/(?:LEARN_REQUIRE_CLASS_LEVEL|learn require class level)>/i LV_UNLOCK_STR = /CLASS[ ](\d+): LEVEL[ ](\d+)(?: (EXCLUDE))?/i end end end #============================================================================ # ** DataManager #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This module manages the database and game objects. Almost all of the # global variables used by the game are initialized by this module. #============================================================================ module DataManager #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Alias: load_database #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class << self load_database_cxj_ce = instance_method(:load_database) define_method :load_database do load_database_cxj_ce.bind(self).call load_notetags_cxj_ce end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: load_notetags_cul #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def self.load_notetags_cxj_ce groups = [$data_classes, $data_actors, $data_skills] for group in groups for obj in group next if obj.nil? obj.load_notetags_cxj_ce end end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # * Alias: Create Game Objects #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class << self datamanager_create_game_objects_cxj_ce = instance_method(:create_game_objects) define_method :create_game_objects do datamanager_create_game_objects_cxj_ce.bind(self).call $game_persistent_class = {} $game_persistent_skills = {} end end if !$imported["CXJ-SavedataExtender"] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Create Save Contents #---------------------------------------------------------------------- class << self datamanager_make_save_contents_cxj_ce = instance_method(:make_save_contents) define_method :make_save_contents do contents = datamanager_make_save_contents_cxj_ce.bind(self).call contents[:persistent_class] = $game_persistent_class contents[:persistent_skills] = $game_persistent_skills contents end end #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Extract Save Contents #---------------------------------------------------------------------- class << self datamanager_extract_save_contents_cxj_ce = instance_method(:extract_save_contents) define_method :extract_save_contents do |contents| datamanager_extract_save_contents_cxj_ce.bind(self).call(contents) $game_persistent_class = contents[:persistent_class] $game_persistent_skills = contents[:persistent_skills] end end else #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Save Class Data #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.save_class_data contents = {} contents[:persistent_class] = $game_persistent_class contents[:persistent_skills] = $game_persistent_skills contents end #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Load Class Data #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.load_class_data(contents) $game_persistent_class = contents[:persistent_class] $game_persistent_skills = contents[:persistent_skills] end CXJ::SAVEDATA_EXTENDER::add_save_handler(self.method(:save_class_data), false, true) CXJ::SAVEDATA_EXTENDER::add_load_handler(self.method(:load_class_data)) end end #============================================================================ # ** RPG::Class::Learning #============================================================================ class RPG::Class::Learning attr_accessor :use_other #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # common cache: load_notetags_cxj_ce #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def load_notetags_cxj_ce @use_other = false self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line| case line when CXJ::REGEXP::LEARNING::USE_OTHER @use_other = true end } end end #============================================================================ # ** RPG::Class #============================================================================ class RPG::Class < RPG::BaseItem attr_accessor :max_level attr_accessor :experience_rate attr_accessor :subclass_ratio attr_accessor :experience_split attr_reader :has_diagonal attr_reader :combined_name STAT_NAMES = ["mhp", "mmp", "atk", "def", "mat", "mdf", "agi", "luk"] #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # common cache: load_notetags_cxj_ce #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def load_notetags_cxj_ce @max_level = -1 @character = {} @face = {} @experience_rate = 1.00 @subclass_ratio = CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::EXP_TO_SUBCLASS @experience_split = CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::SPLIT_TO_SUB @combined_name = {} @custom_hybrid_formula = [] tag = [] self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line| case line when CXJ::REGEXP::CLASS::MAX_LEVEL @max_level = $1.to_i when CXJ::REGEXP::CLASS::CHARSET @character[0] = {} if @character[0].nil? @character[0][:character_name] = $1 @character[0][:character_index] = $2.to_i # AnimEx compatibility @character[0][:has_diagonal] = false @character[0][:is_regular] = true if $imported["CXJ-AnimEx"] && !@character[0][:character_name].empty? && @character[0][:character_name] =~ /^\!?\[(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)(?:\s*,\s*(1|0))?\]/ @character[0][:is_regular] = false if([8, 9].include?($4.to_i)) end when CXJ::REGEXP::CLASS::FACESET @face[0] = {} if @face[0].nil? @face[0][:face_name] = $1 @face[0][:face_index] = $2.to_i when CXJ::REGEXP::CLASS::CHARSET_S id = $1.to_i @character[id] = {} if @character[id].nil? @character[id][:character_name] = $2 @character[id][:character_index] = $3.to_i # AnimEx compatibility @character[id][:has_diagonal] = false @character[id][:is_regular] = true if $imported["CXJ-AnimEx"] && !@character[id][:character_name].empty? && @character[id][:character_name] =~ /^\!?\[(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)(?:\s*,\s*(1|0))?\]/ @character[id][:is_regular] = false if([8, 9].include?($4.to_i)) end when CXJ::REGEXP::CLASS::FACESET_S id = $1.to_i @face[id] = {} if @face[id].nil? @face[id][:face_name] = $2 @face[id][:face_index] = $3.to_i when CXJ::REGEXP::CLASS::EXP_RATE rate = $2.to_i * 0.01 case $1 when "+" @experience_rate+= rate when "-" @experience_rate-= rate when "*" @experience_rate*= rate else @experience_rate = rate end when CXJ::REGEXP::CLASS::SUB_RATIO rate = $2.to_i * 0.01 case $1 when "+" @subclass_ratio+= rate when "-" @subclass_ratio-= rate when "*" @subclass_ratio*= rate else @subclass_ratio = rate end when CXJ::REGEXP::CLASS::EXP_SPLIT @experience_split = true if $1 == "on" @experience_split = false if $1 == "off" when CXJ::REGEXP::CLASS::SUB_COMBO @combined_name[$1.to_i] = $2 # AnimEx compatibility when CXJ::REGEXP::CLASS::HAS_DIAG @has_diagonal = true when CXJ::REGEXP::CLASS::HF_ON @custom_hybrid_formula[0] = [] if @custom_hybrid_formula[0].nil? tag.push(0) when CXJ::REGEXP::CLASS::HF2_ON class_no = $1.to_i @custom_hybrid_formula[class_no] = [] if @custom_hybrid_formula[class_no].nil? tag.push(class_no) when CXJ::REGEXP::CLASS::HF_OFF tag.pop unless tag.empty? when CXJ::REGEXP::CLASS::HF_FORMS unless tag.empty? || !STAT_NAMES.include?($1.downcase) class_no = tag[-1] @custom_hybrid_formula[class_no][STAT_NAMES.index($1.downcase)] = $2 end end } self.learnings.each do |learning| learning.load_notetags_cxj_ce end end def custom_hybrid_formula(param, class_no = 0) if param.kind_of?(String) if !param.is_number? return nil if !STAT_NAMES.include?(param.downcase) param = STAT_NAMES.index(skill.downcase) else param = skill.to_i end end class_no = 0 if @custom_hybrid_formula[class_no].nil? || @custom_hybrid_formula[class_no][param].nil? return @custom_hybrid_formula[class_no][param] unless @custom_hybrid_formula[class_no].nil? || @custom_hybrid_formula[class_no][param].nil? end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # * New: Character #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def character(sub_id = 0) return @character[sub_id] if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::ENABLE_COMBO_SPECIFIC_GRAPHICS && !@character[sub_id].nil? return @character[0] if !@character[0].nil? return nil end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # * New: Face #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def face(sub_id = 0) return @face[sub_id] if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::ENABLE_COMBO_SPECIFIC_GRAPHICS && !@face[sub_id].nil? return @face[0] if !@face[0].nil? return nil end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # * Override: Character Index #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def character_index(d = 0, sub_id = 0) char = character(sub_id) return 0 if char.nil? char[:is_regular] && char[:has_diagonal] && d % 2 != 0 ? char[:character_index] + 1 : char[:character_index] end end #============================================================================ # ** RPG::Skill #============================================================================ class RPG::Skill < RPG::UsableItem attr_accessor :level_unlock attr_accessor :level_learn_unlock #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # common cache: load_notetags_cxj_ce #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def load_notetags_cxj_ce @level_unlock = {} @level_learn_unlock = {} class_exclude = [] tag = 0 self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line| case line when CXJ::REGEXP::SKILL::LV_UNLOCK_ON tag = 1 if tag == 0 when CXJ::REGEXP::SKILL::LV_UNLOCK_OFF tag = 0 if tag == 1 # Learn Skill Engine compatibility when CXJ::REGEXP::SKILL::LV_LEARN_UNLOCK_ON tag = 2 if tag == 0 when CXJ::REGEXP::SKILL::LV_LEARN_UNLOCK_OFF tag = 0 if tag == 2 when CXJ::REGEXP::SKILL::LV_UNLOCK_STR @level_unlock[$1.to_i] = $2.to_i if tag == 1 # Learn Skill Engine compatibility @level_learn_unlock[$1.to_i] = $2.to_i if tag == 2 if !$3.nil? && $3.downcase == "exclude" class_exclude.push($1.to_i) end end } $skill_class_unlock = [] if $skill_class_unlock.nil? $skill_class_unlock.push(self) if !@level_unlock.empty? # Learn Skill Engine compatibility remove_level = [] @level_learn_unlock.each_key do |class_id| if $data_classes[class_id].nil? remove_level.push(class_id) else skill_id = $data_skills.index(self) $data_classes[class_id].learn_skills = [] if $data_classes[class_id].learn_skills.nil? $data_classes[class_id].learn_skills.push(skill_id) if !class_exclude.include(class_id) end end remove_level.each do |class_id| @level_learn_unlock.delete(class_id) end remove_level.clear end end #============================================================================ # ** RPG::Actor #============================================================================ class RPG::Actor < RPG::BaseItem attr_accessor :class_graphics attr_accessor :graphics_opt_in attr_accessor :generic_set #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # common cache: load_notetags_cxj_ce #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def load_notetags_cxj_ce @class_graphics = {} @graphics_opt_in = !CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::OPT_IN_CLASS_GRAPHICS @generic_set = "DEFAULT" self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line| case line when CXJ::REGEXP::ACTOR::OPT_IN @graphics_opt_in = false @graphics_opt_in = true if $1.downcase == "in" when CXJ::REGEXP::ACTOR::GENERICSET @generic_set = $1 if !CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::GENERIC_CLASS_GRAPHICS[$i].nil? when CXJ::REGEXP::ACTOR::CHARSET @class_graphics[$1.to_i] = {} if @class_graphics[$1.to_i].nil? @class_graphics[$1.to_i][0] = {} if @class_graphics[$1.to_i][0].nil? @class_graphics[$1.to_i][0][:character_name] = $2 @class_graphics[$1.to_i][0][:character_index] = $3.to_i # AnimEx compatibility @class_graphics[$1.to_i][0][:is_regular] = true when CXJ::REGEXP::ACTOR::FACESET @class_graphics[$1.to_i] = {} if @class_graphics[$1.to_i].nil? @class_graphics[$1.to_i][0] = {} if @class_graphics[$1.to_i][0].nil? @class_graphics[$1.to_i][0][:face_name] = $2 @class_graphics[$1.to_i][0][:face_index] = $3.to_i # AnimEx compatibility when CXJ::REGEXP::ACTOR::HAS_DIAG @class_graphics[$1.to_i][0] = {} if @class_graphics[$1.to_i].nil? @class_graphics[$1.to_i][0][:has_diagonal] = true when CXJ::REGEXP::ACTOR::CHARSET_S @class_graphics[$1.to_i] = {} if @class_graphics[$1.to_i].nil? @class_graphics[$1.to_i][$2.to_i] = {} if @class_graphics[$1.to_i][$2.to_i].nil? @class_graphics[$1.to_i][$2.to_i][:character_name] = $3 @class_graphics[$1.to_i][$2.to_i][:character_index] = $4.to_i # AnimEx compatibility @class_graphics[$1.to_i][$2.to_i][:is_regular] = true when CXJ::REGEXP::ACTOR::FACESET_S @class_graphics[$1.to_i] = {} if @class_graphics[$1.to_i].nil? @class_graphics[$1.to_i][$2.to_i] = {} if @class_graphics[$1.to_i][$2.to_i].nil? @class_graphics[$1.to_i][$2.to_i][:face_name] = $3 @class_graphics[$1.to_i][$2.to_i][:face_index] = $4.to_i # AnimEx compatibility when CXJ::REGEXP::ACTOR::HAS_DIA_S @class_graphics[$1.to_i][$2.to_i] = {} if @class_graphics[$1.to_i].nil? @class_graphics[$1.to_i][$2.to_i][:has_diagonal] = true end } # AnimEx compatibility @class_graphics.each do |key, value| value.each do |subkey, subvalue| if $imported["CXJ-AnimEx"] && !subvalue[:character_name].nil? && subvalue[:character_name] =~ /^\!?\[(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)(?:\s*,\s*(1|0))?\]/ @class_graphics[key][subkey][:is_regular] = false if([8, 9].include?($4.to_i)) end end end end end #============================================================================ # ** Game_Actor #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This class handles actors. It is used within the Game_Actors class # ($game_actors) and is also referenced from the Game_Party class ($game_party). #============================================================================ class Game_Actor < Game_Battler attr_reader :subclass_id class Game_Actor_Params attr_accessor :mhp attr_accessor :mmp attr_accessor :atk attr_accessor :def attr_accessor :mat attr_accessor :mdf attr_accessor :agi attr_accessor :luk def initialize @mhp = 0 @mmp = 0 @atk = 0 @def = 0 @mat = 0 @mdf = 0 @agi = 0 @luk = 0 end end if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::USE_PERSISTENT_CLASS_LEVEL #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Setup #---------------------------------------------------------------------- game_actor_setup_cxj_ce = instance_method(:setup) define_method :setup do |actor_id| game_actor_setup_cxj_ce.bind(self).call(actor_id) @exp = $game_persistent_class @exp[@class_id] = 0 if self.exp.nil? end #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Override: Initialize Skills #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def init_skills @skills = [] $game_persistent_skills[0] = [] if $game_persistent_skills[0].nil? $game_persistent_skills[@class_id] = [] if $game_persistent_skills[@class_id].nil? self.class.learnings.each do |learning| learn_skill_persist(@class_id, learning.skill_id) if learning.level <= class_level(@class_id) end return if self.subclass.nil? $game_persistent_skills[@subclass_id] = [] if $game_persistent_skills[@subclass_id].nil? self.subclass.learnings.each do |learning| learn_skill_persist(@subclass_id, learning.skill_id) if learning.level <= class_level(@subclass_id) end end #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Override: learn_class_skills #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def learn_class_skills(class_id) return if class_id <= 0 return if $data_classes[class_id].nil? $game_persistent_skills[@class_id] = [] if $game_persistent_skills[@class_id].nil? $data_classes[class_id].learnings.each do |learning| learn_skill_persist(class_id, learning.skill_id) if learning.level == class_level(class_id) end end #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Override: Get Skill Object Array #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def skills pers_all = (!$game_persistent_skills[0].nil? ? $game_persistent_skills[0] : []) pers_class = (!$game_persistent_skills[@class_id].nil? ? $game_persistent_skills[@class_id] : []) pers_subclass = (!$game_persistent_skills[@subclass_id].nil? ? $game_persistent_skills[@subclass_id] : []) (@skills | added_skills | pers_all | pers_class | pers_subclass).uniq.sort.collect {|id| $data_skills[id] } end end #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Get Skill Object Array From Persistent Skills #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def persistent_skills(class_id) persist = (!$game_persistent_skills[class_id].nil? ? $game_persistent_skills[class_id] : []) (persist).uniq.sort.collect {|id| $data_skills[id] } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New: Learn Skill (Persistent Class) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def learn_skill_persist(class_id, skill_id) $game_persistent_skills[class_id] = [] if $game_persistent_skills[class_id].nil? unless skill_learn_persist?(class_id, $data_skills[skill_id]) $game_persistent_skills[class_id].push(skill_id) $game_persistent_skills[class_id].sort! end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Forget Skill (Persistent Class) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def forget_skill_persist(class_id, skill_id) $game_persistent_skills[class_id].delete(skill_id) if !$game_persistent_skills[class_id].nil? end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Determine if Skill Is Already Learned (Persistent Class) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def skill_learn_persist?(class_id, skill) skill.is_a?(RPG::Skill) && !$game_persistent_skills[class_id].nil? && $game_persistent_skills[class_id].include?(skill.id) end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: graphics_opt_in #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def graphics_opt_in actor.graphics_opt_in end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: class_graphics #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def class_graphics sub_id = @subclass_id ? @subclass_id : 0 return nil if actor.class_graphics.nil? || actor.class_graphics[@class_id].nil? return actor.class_graphics[@class_id][sub_id] if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::ENABLE_COMBO_SPECIFIC_GRAPHICS && !actor.class_graphics[@class_id][sub_id].nil? return actor.class_graphics[@class_id][0] if !actor.class_graphics[@class_id][0].nil? return nil end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: class_character_index # Added for AnimEx compatibility #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def class_character_index(d) cur_graph = class_graphics return nil if cur_graph.nil? index = cur_graph[:character_index] is_regular = cur_graph[:is_regular] has_diagonal = cur_graph[:has_diagonal] $imported["CXJ-AnimEx"] && is_regular && has_diagonal && d % 2 != 0 ? index + 1 : index end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: generic_class_graphics #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def generic_class_graphics CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::GENERIC_CLASS_GRAPHICS[@generic_set] end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: default_generic_class_graphics #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def default_generic_class_graphics CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::GENERIC_CLASS_GRAPHICS["DEFAULT"] end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: combo_class_graphics #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def combo_class_graphics CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::COMBO_CLASS_GRAPHICS[@generic_set] end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: default_combo_class_graphics #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def default_combo_class_graphics CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::COMBO_CLASS_GRAPHICS["DEFAULT"] end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: Get Graphics From Default #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_graphics_from_default if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::ENABLE_COMBO_SPECIFIC_GRAPHICS return combo_class_graphics[@class_id][@subclass_id] if !combo_class_graphics.nil? && !combo_class_graphics[@class_id].nil? && !combo_class_graphics[@class_id][@subclass_id].nil? return default_combo_class_graphics[@class_id][@subclass_id] if !default_combo_class_graphics.nil? && !default_combo_class_graphics[@class_id].nil? && !default_combo_class_graphics[@class_id][@subclass_id].nil? end return generic_class_graphics[@class_id] if !generic_class_graphics.nil? && !generic_class_graphics[@class_id].nil? return default_generic_class_graphics[@class_id] if !default_generic_class_graphics.nil? && !default_generic_class_graphics[@class_id].nil? return nil end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: generic_class_has_diagonal #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def generic_class_has_diagonal CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::GENERIC_CLASS_HAS_DIAGONAL[@generic_set] end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: default_generic_class_has_diagonal #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def default_generic_class_has_diagonal CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::GENERIC_CLASS_HAS_DIAGONAL["DEFAULT"] end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: combo_class_has_diagonal #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def combo_class_has_diagonal CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::COMBO_CLASS_HAS_DIAGONAL[@generic_set] end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: default_combo_class_has_diagonal #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def default_combo_class_has_diagonal CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::COMBO_CLASS_HAS_DIAGONAL["DEFAULT"] end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: Get Has Diagonal From Default #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_has_diagonal_from_default if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::ENABLE_COMBO_SPECIFIC_GRAPHICS return combo_class_has_diagonal[@class_id][@subclass_id] if !combo_class_has_diagonal.nil? && !combo_class_has_diagonal[@class_id].nil? && !combo_class_has_diagonal[@class_id][@subclass_id].nil? return default_combo_class_has_diagonal[@class_id][@subclass_id] if !default_combo_class_has_diagonal.nil? && !default_combo_class_has_diagonal[@class_id].nil? && !default_combo_class_has_diagonal[@class_id][@subclass_id].nil? end return generic_class_has_diagonal[@class_id] if !generic_class_has_diagonal.nil? && !generic_class_has_diagonal[@class_id].nil? return default_generic_class_has_diagonal[@class_id] if !default_generic_class_has_diagonal.nil? && !default_generic_class_has_diagonal[@class_id].nil? return false end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: character_name #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def character_name if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::ENABLE_CLASS_SPECIFIC_GRAPHICS if !class_graphics.nil? return class_graphics[:character_name] if !class_graphics[:character_name].nil? end if graphics_opt_in character = self.class.character(@subclass_id ? @subclass_id : 0) return character[:character_name] if !character.nil? && !character[:character_name].empty? && CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::CLASS_SPECIFIED_HAS_PRIORITY def_graph = get_graphics_from_default return def_graph[0] if !def_graph.nil? && !def_graph[0].empty? return character[:character_name] if !character.nil? && !character[:character_name].empty? end end @character_name end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: character_index #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def character_index(d = 0, has_diagonal = false) if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::ENABLE_CLASS_SPECIFIC_GRAPHICS if !class_graphics.nil? return class_character_index(d) if !class_graphics[:character_index].nil? end if graphics_opt_in character = self.class.character(@subclass_id ? @subclass_id : 0) return self.class.character_index(d, @subclass_id ? @subclass_id : 0) if !character.nil? && !character[:character_name].empty? && CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::CLASS_SPECIFIED_HAS_PRIORITY def_graph = get_graphics_from_default if !def_graph.nil? && !def_graph[0].empty? if $imported["CXJ-AnimEx"] && d % 2 != 0 if def_graph[0] =~ /^\!?\[(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)(?:\s*,\s*(1|0))?\]/ return def_graph[1] if([8, 9].include?($4.to_i)) end end return def_graph[1] + (get_has_diagonal_from_default && d % 2 != 0 ? 1 : 0) end return self.class.character_index(d, @subclass_id ? @subclass_id : 0) if !character.nil? && !character[:character_name].empty? end end if @character_name =~ /^\!?\[(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)(?:\s*,\s*(1|0))?\]/ if([8, 9].include?($4.to_i)) return @character_index end end has_diagonal && d % 2 != 0 ? @character_index + 1 : @character_index end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: face_name #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def face_name if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::ENABLE_CLASS_SPECIFIC_GRAPHICS if !class_graphics.nil? return class_graphics[:face_name] if !class_graphics[:face_name].nil? end if graphics_opt_in face = self.class.face(@subclass_id ? @subclass_id : 0) return face[:face_name] if !face.nil? && !face[:face_name].empty? && CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::CLASS_SPECIFIED_HAS_PRIORITY def_graph = get_graphics_from_default return def_graph[2] if !def_graph.nil? && !def_graph[2].empty? return face[:face_name] if !face.nil? && !face[:face_name].empty? end end @face_name end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: face_index #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def face_index if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::ENABLE_CLASS_SPECIFIC_GRAPHICS if !class_graphics.nil? return class_graphics[:face_index] if !class_graphics[:face_index].nil? end if graphics_opt_in face = self.class.face(@subclass_id ? @subclass_id : 0) return face[:face_index] if !face.nil? && !face[:face_name].empty? && CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::CLASS_SPECIFIED_HAS_PRIORITY def_graph = get_graphics_from_default return def_graph[3] if !def_graph.nil? && !def_graph[2].empty? return face[:face_index] if !face.nil? && !face[:face_name].empty? end end @face_index end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: real_character_name #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def real_character_name @character_name end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: real_character_index #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def real_character_index @character_index end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: real_face_name #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def real_face_name @face_name end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: real_face_index #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def real_face_index @face_index end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias: Get Base Value of Parameter #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- game_actor_param_base_exp_cxj_ce = instance_method(:param_base) define_method :param_base do |param_id| use_class = CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::CLASS_LEVEL_PARAMS && !YEA::CLASS_SYSTEM::MAINTAIN_LEVELS use_regular = !CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::CLASS_LEVEL_PARAMS && YEA::CLASS_SYSTEM::MAINTAIN_LEVELS use_slev = (use_class ? class_level(@class_id) : @level) return game_actor_param_base_exp_cxj_ce.bind(self).call(param_id) if use_regular && CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::HYBRIDIZE == :none result = self.class.params[param_id, use_slev] unless subclass.nil? subclass_rate = YEA::CLASS_SYSTEM::SUBCLASS_STAT_RATE slevel = subclass_level chf = subclass.custom_hybrid_formula(param_id, @class_id) if !chf.nil? main = Game_Actor_Params.new sub = Game_Actor_Params.new main.mhp = self.class.params[0, use_slev] * 1.0 main.mmp = self.class.params[1, use_slev] * 1.0 main.atk = self.class.params[2, use_slev] * 1.0 main.def = self.class.params[3, use_slev] * 1.0 main.mat = self.class.params[4, use_slev] * 1.0 main.mdf = self.class.params[5, use_slev] * 1.0 main.agi = self.class.params[6, use_slev] * 1.0 main.luk = self.class.params[7, use_slev] * 1.0 sub.mhp = self.class.params[0, slevel] * 1.0 sub.mmp = self.class.params[1, slevel] * 1.0 sub.atk = self.class.params[2, slevel] * 1.0 sub.def = self.class.params[3, slevel] * 1.0 sub.mat = self.class.params[4, slevel] * 1.0 sub.mdf = self.class.params[5, slevel] * 1.0 sub.agi = self.class.params[6, slevel] * 1.0 sub.luk = self.class.params[7, slevel] * 1.0 result = eval(chf) else result*= (1 - subclass_rate) if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::HYBRIDIZE == :ratio result += subclass.params[param_id, slevel] * subclass_rate result = result / (2.0) if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::HYBRIDIZE == :add result = result / (1.0 + subclass_rate) if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::HYBRIDIZE == :normalize end end return result.to_i end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # * Alias: Change Experience # show : Level up display flag #------------------------------------------------------------------------ game_actor_change_exp_cxj_ce = instance_method(:change_exp) define_method :change_exp do |exp, show| current_exp = (self.exp ? self.exp : 0) do_split = self.class.experience_split main_rate = self.class.experience_rate sub_ratio = (!subclass.nil? ? subclass.subclass_ratio : 0) sub_rate = (!subclass.nil? ? subclass.experience_rate : 0) main_exp = exp - current_exp main_exp*= [(1.00 - [0, sub_ratio].max), 0].max if do_split main_exp*= main_rate sub_exp = exp - current_exp sub_exp*= [0, sub_ratio].max if !do_split sub_exp*= [1.00, [0, sub_ratio].max].min if do_split sub_exp*= sub_rate @exp[:old] = current_exp @exp[:oldsub] = sub_exp @exp[@subclass_id] = [@exp[@subclass_id] + sub_exp.to_i, 0].max if !subclass.nil? exp = main_exp.to_i + current_exp maxLevel = CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::DEFAULT_MAX_LEV maxLevel = self.class.max_level if self.class.max_level > -1 maxExp = self.class.exp_for_level(maxLevel) last_level = @level last_mainskills = [] last_classskills = [] last_subskills = [] if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::USE_PERSISTENT_CLASS_LEVEL last_mainskills = persistent_skills(0) if !$game_persistent_skills[0].nil? last_classskills = persistent_skills(@class_id) if !$game_persistent_skills[@class_id].nil? last_subskills = persistent_skills(@subclass_id) if !self.subclass.nil? && !$game_persistent_skills[@subclass_id].nil? end if !CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::ENABLE_CLASS_LEVEL_LIMITER || YEA::CLASS_SYSTEM::MAINTAIN_LEVELS game_actor_change_exp_cxj_ce.bind(self).call(exp, show) elsif CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::STOP_GAINING_EXP_AFTER_MAX game_actor_change_exp_cxj_ce.bind(self).call([exp, maxExp].min, show) elsif CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::STOP_LEVELING_AFTER_CLASS_MAX @exp[@class_id] = [exp, 0].max last_skills = skills level_up while !max_level? && self.exp >= next_level_exp && self.exp <= maxExp level_down while self.exp < current_level_exp display_level_up(skills - last_skills) if show && @level > last_level refresh else game_actor_change_exp_cxj_ce.bind(self).call(exp, show) end if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::USE_PERSISTENT_CLASS_LEVEL diff_mainskills = [] diff_classskills = [] diff_subskills = [] diff_mainskills = persistent_skills(0) - last_mainskills if !$game_persistent_skills[0].nil? diff_classskills = persistent_skills(@class_id) - last_classskills if !$game_persistent_skills[@class_id].nil? diff_subskills = persistent_skills(@subclass_id) - last_subskills if !self.subclass.nil? && !$game_persistent_skills[@subclass_id].nil? display_level_up_persist(diff_mainskills, diff_classskills, diff_subskills, last_level) if show else display_class_update end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Override: Level Up #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def level_up @level += 1 persist_class = CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::USE_PERSISTENT_CLASS_LEVEL maintain = YEA::CLASS_SYSTEM::MAINTAIN_LEVELS self.class.learnings.each do |learning| use_class = (learning.use_other ^ CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::SWITCH_MAIN_LEVEL) if ((maintain || !use_class) && learning.level == @level) || (!maintain && use_class && learning.level == class_level(@class_id)) learn_skill(learning.skill_id) if !persist_class learn_skill_persist(@class_id, learning.skill_id) if persist_class end end $skill_class_unlock.each do |skill| skill_id = $data_skills.index(skill) next if skill_id.nil? || (!persist_class && skill_learn?(skill)) || (persist_class && skill_learn_persist?(0, skill)) can_add = true skill.level_unlock.each do |class_id, level| if class_level(class_id) < level can_add = false break end end learn_skill(skill_id) if can_add && !persist_class learn_skill_persist(0, skill_id) if can_add && persist_class end return if(self.subclass.nil?) self.subclass.learnings.each do |learning| use_class = (learning.use_other ^ CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::SWITCH_MAIN_LEVEL) if ((maintain || !use_class) && learning.level == @level) || (!maintain && use_class && learning.level == class_level(@subclass_id)) learn_skill(learning.skill_id) if !persist_class learn_skill_persist(@subclass_id, learning.skill_id) if persist_class end end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Override: New: class_level Edited by DisturbedInside #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def class_level(class_id) return @level if YEA::CLASS_SYSTEM::MAINTAIN_LEVELS current_class = $data_classes[class_id] maxLevel = CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::DEFAULT_MAX_LEV maxLevel = current_class.max_level if current_class.max_level > -1 maxLevel = max_level if !CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::ENABLE_CLASS_LEVEL_LIMITER maxExp = current_class.exp_for_level(maxLevel) @exp[class_id] = 0 if @exp[class_id].nil? n = 1 loop do break if maxExp < current_class.exp_for_level(n + 1) break if @exp[class_id] < current_class.exp_for_level(n + 1) n+= 1 end return n end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # * Alias: Get Array of All Objects Retaining Features #------------------------------------------------------------------------ game_actor_feature_objects_cxj_ce = instance_method(:feature_objects) define_method :feature_objects do obj = game_actor_feature_objects_cxj_ce.bind(self).call obj+= [self.subclass] if !self.subclass.nil? && CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::SUBCLASS_TRAITS obj end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # * Override: Show Level Up Message # new_skills : Array of newly learned skills #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def display_level_up(new_skills) $game_message.new_page if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::SHOW_CLASS_EXP_GAIN[:charlevel] $game_message.add(sprintf(Vocab::LevelUp, @name, Vocab::level, @level)) else $game_message.add(sprintf(CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::VOCAB::CHARACTER_LEVELED_UP, @name)) end return if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::USE_PERSISTENT_CLASS_LEVEL new_skills.each do |skill| $game_message.add(sprintf(Vocab::ObtainSkill, skill.name)) end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # * New: Show Class Update #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def display_class_update if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::SHOW_CLASS_EXP_GAIN[:classexp] $game_message.add(sprintf(CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::VOCAB::CLASS_EXP_GAINED, @name, @exp[@class_id] - @exp[:old])) end if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::SHOW_CLASS_EXP_GAIN[:classlevel] temp = @exp[@class_id] @exp[@class_id] = @exp[:old] old_level = class_level(@class_id) @exp[@class_id] = temp if old_level != class_level(@class_id) $game_message.add(sprintf(Vocab::LevelUp, self.class.name, Vocab::level, class_level(@class_id))) end end if !subclass.nil? if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::SHOW_CLASS_EXP_GAIN[:classexp] $game_message.add(sprintf(CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::VOCAB::CLASS_EXP_GAINED, @name, @exp[@subclass_id] - @exp[:oldsub])) end if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::SHOW_CLASS_EXP_GAIN[:classlevel] temp = @exp[@subclass_id] @exp[@subclass_id] = @exp[:oldsub] old_level = class_level(@subclass_id) @exp[@subclass_id] = temp if old_level != class_level(@subclass_id) $game_message.add(sprintf(Vocab::LevelUp, self.subclass.name, Vocab::level, class_level(@subclass_id))) end end end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # * New: Show Level Up Message # new_skills : Array of newly learned skills #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def display_level_up_persist(new_skills, new_class, new_subclass, last_level) new_skills.each do |skill| $game_message.add(sprintf(Vocab::ObtainSkill, skill.name)) end if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::SHOW_CLASS_EXP_GAIN[:classexp] $game_message.add(sprintf(CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::VOCAB::CLASS_EXP_GAINED, @name, @exp[@class_id] - @exp[:old])) end if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::SHOW_CLASS_EXP_GAIN[:classlevel] temp = @exp[@class_id] @exp[@class_id] = @exp[:old] old_level = class_level(@class_id) @exp[@class_id] = temp if old_level != class_level(@class_id) $game_message.add(sprintf(Vocab::LevelUp, self.class.name, Vocab::level, class_level(@class_id))) end end new_class.each do |skill| $game_message.add(sprintf(Vocab::ObtainSkill, skill.name)) end if !subclass.nil? if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::SHOW_CLASS_EXP_GAIN[:classexp] $game_message.add(sprintf(CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::VOCAB::CLASS_EXP_GAINED, @name, @exp[@subclass_id] - @exp[:oldsub])) end if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::SHOW_CLASS_EXP_GAIN[:classlevel] temp = @exp[@subclass_id] @exp[@subclass_id] = @exp[:oldsub] old_level = class_level(@subclass_id) @exp[@subclass_id] = temp if old_level != class_level(@class_id) $game_message.add(sprintf(Vocab::LevelUp, self.subclass.name, Vocab::level, class_level(@subclass_id))) end end new_subclass.each do |skill| $game_message.add(sprintf(Vocab::ObtainSkill, skill.name)) end end end end #============================================================================ # ** Game_Player #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This class handles the player. It includes event starting determinants and # map scrolling functions. The instance of this class is referenced by # $game_player. #============================================================================ class Game_Player < Game_Character #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # * New: Refresh #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def refresh @character_name = actor ? actor.real_character_name : "" @character_index = actor ? actor.real_character_index : 0 @followers.refresh end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: character_name #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def character_name if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::ENABLE_CLASS_SPECIFIC_GRAPHICS cname = actor.character_name cind = actor.character_index(@direction) return cname if cname != actor.real_character_name || cind != actor.real_character_index end @character_name end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: character_index #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def character_index if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::ENABLE_CLASS_SPECIFIC_GRAPHICS cname = actor.character_name cind = actor.character_index(@direction) return cind if cname != actor.real_character_name || cind != actor.real_character_index end if $imported["CXJ-AnimEx"] super else @character_index end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: face_name #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def face_name if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::ENABLE_CLASS_SPECIFIC_GRAPHICS fname = actor.face_name return fname if fname != actor.real_face_name || actor.face_index != actor.real_face_index end @face_name end #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New: face_index #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def face_index if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::ENABLE_CLASS_SPECIFIC_GRAPHICS fname = actor.face_name return actor.face_index if fname != actor.real_face_name || actor.face_index != actor.real_face_index end @face_index end end #============================================================================ # ** Window_Base #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is a super class of all windows within the game. #============================================================================ class Window_Base < Window #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # * Override: Draw Class #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def draw_actor_class(actor, x, y, width = 112) change_color(normal_color) if actor.subclass.nil? text = actor.class.name elsif !actor.class.combined_name[actor.subclass_id].nil? text = actor.class.combined_name[actor.subclass_id] else fmt = YEA::CLASS_SYSTEM::SUBCLASS_TEXT text = sprintf(fmt, actor.class.name, actor.subclass.name) end draw_text(x, y, width, line_height, text) end end if $imported["YEA-ClassSpecifics"] #========================================================================== # ** Window_ClassList #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This class handles the class list window #========================================================================== class Window_ClassList < Window_Selectable #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Override: make_item_list #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_item_list @data = [] for class_id in YEA::CLASS_SYSTEM::CLASS_ORDER next if $data_classes[class_id].nil? item = $data_classes[class_id] next if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::CLASS_HIDE_MODE == 1 && !available?(item) @data.push(item) if include?(item) end end #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # New: Check if available #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def available?(item) case @command_window.current_symbol when :primary return false if item.subclass_only when :subclass return false if item.primary_only return @actor.subclass_to?(item.id) if item.subclass_to != [] end return true end #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Alias: set_item_colour #---------------------------------------------------------------------- window_classlist_set_item_color = instance_method(:set_item_colour) define_method :set_item_colour do |item| if CXJ::CLASS_EXTENSIONS::CLASS_HIDE_MODE == 2 primary_enable = (@command_window.current_symbol == :primary ? item == @actor.class : enable?(item)) subclass_enable = (@command_window.current_symbol == :subclass ? item == @actor.subclass : enable?(item)) if item == @actor.class change_color(text_color(YEA::CLASS_SYSTEM::CURRENT_CLASS_COLOUR), primary_enable) elsif item == @actor.subclass change_color(text_color(YEA::CLASS_SYSTEM::SUBCLASS_COLOUR), subclass_enable) else change_color(normal_color, enable?(item)) end else window_classlist_set_item_color.bind(self).call(item) end end end end if $imported["YEA-LearnSkillEngine"] #========================================================================== # ** Window_LearnSkillList #========================================================================== class Window_LearnSkillList < Window_SkillList #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Alias: meet_requirements? #---------------------------------------------------------------------- window_learnskilllist_meet_requirements_cxj_ce = instance_method(:meet_requirements?) define_method :meet_requirements? do |item| test = :meet? return false unless window_learnskilllist_meet_requirements_cxj_ce.bind(self).call(item) return false unless meet_class_level_requirements?(item) return true end #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # New: meet_class_level_requirements? #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def meet_class_level_requirements?(item) item.level_learn_unlock.each do |class_id, learn_level| return false if @actor.class_level(class_id) < learn_level end return true end end end end